Hi, it’s bBenjamin Somers

This is the static JavaScript-free personal website of a 26 yo French nerd. I love making atypical stuff, complaining about the bad kerning of documents and shaking my head to weirdly dressed people screaming into a microphone. I specialize in systems engineering, compiler design and IT risk analysis. Oh, and I’m a doctor!

6 of my projects


A safe, quasi-PCRE-compatible RegEx engine packed with dark magic developed in OCaml.


A fork of ocamLDAP with better support for TLS and better network management.


The showcase website for the ResEl association, a local student Internet provider.


An OCaml RADIUS server backend for FreeRADIUS for the ResEl association.


A component-oriented architecture description language allowing formal verification.


A tool to build OWL ontologies for MITRE XML datasets (CAPEC, CVE, CWE).

Latest articles

This part of the website is still under construction.